Ignoring Errors on a Per-Cell Basis

This page was generated from doc/allow-errors-per-cell.ipynb. Interactive online version: Binder badge. Download notebook.

Ignoring Errors on a Per-Cell Basis#

Instead of ignoring errors for all notebooks or for some selected notebooks (see the previous notebook), you can be more fine-grained and just allow errors on certain code cells by tagging them with the raises-exception tag.

'no problem'
'no problem'

The following code cell has the raises-exception tag.

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 1
----> 1 problem

NameError: name 'problem' is not defined

The following code cell is executed even though the previous cell raised an exception.

'no problem'
'no problem'


The behavior of the raises-exception tag doesn’t match its name. While it does allow exceptions, it does not check if an exception is actually raised!

This will hopefully be fixed at some point, see jupyter/nbconvert#730.